Friday 14 October 2011

5 healthy way Prophet Muhammad

1. Prophet Muhammad always wake up before dawn. Prayers do not sleep anymore but continue memgucapkan zikr, chanting, as well as earn a living. Wake up before dawn is more comfortable than wake up after the rising of the sun because it can make our body more healthy, comfortable fit.

2. Prophet Muhammad after the hungry and stop eating before satiety. He ate for the purpose of life, not live to eat.

3. Prophet Muhammad when angry without emotion. Angered by not showing emotion with sincerity and love of a scolded. That is mad, he just looked from the face, but the conscience of the Prophet Muhammad gesture of affection.

4. Prophet Muhammad never drink and breathe. That he always drank water from sealed containers. According to him, the water from open containers that are susceptible to dust.

5. Prophet Muhammad did not respond to something that happened to the body (illness) in excess. Because for him, it's easy to complain indicate the nature impatient.   

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